Here is a quick demo reel that showcases the skills used in sound design, composition, mixing and mastering.

All audio was recreated. Sound design included recording, and editing audio for punches, footsteps, voices, impacts and everything in between. For composition, the soundtrack was created with Vy and Sevika’s characters in mind. Both are fearless women who excel in fighting, so the music needed to reflect on that. In writting the music, I also ensured it would follow along the scene by tempo mapping it. Both the sound design audio and composition we’re mixed to ensure everything the audience hears is clear, ensuring no important pieces of audio are masked or hidden by other similar noises. Finally it went through a delicate master, taming radical audio peaks, volume automation to flow with the screen, and glueing the two pieces of sfx and music togethor to make it one coherant audio pleasure for the scene they were created for.